The best photos of children are when they have the opportunity to truly express themselves without limits
You cant put children and babies in front of a camera and expect them to smile. You need to provide a pleasant, safe and creative environment to make them feel free and happy. When a child is having fun the photos will be fantastic
Natalie Houlding is happy to provide the worlds trendiest photography session: the Cake Smash! A cake smash session is a very unique photography session which allows your child to enjoy the cakes different texture, colours and taste for a few
moments. They can taste it, eat it, smash it, jump on it,all is permitted! They can
forget about the rules and just laugh and havefun, and I will be there to capture it!
As birthday gift or simply to treat you and your loved ones, a
Cake Smash session will give everyone in the family a lasting memory
to cherish & treasure.
The package includes:
Photo session inclusive of cake (this can be substituted for Cup Cakes for a Cup Cake Smash!) with the use of our accessories and prop
Between 20-30 beautiful photographs in high resolution
A Collage photo
A cool and contemporary animated slideshow of your photos
A beautiful collage photo which you can print in any size
An 8×11” printed photo of your choice
A personalized DVD with all the photos, ready to print

Click here to see more! Natalie Houlding Photographer
Or visit my Facebook page here

0734917686 / 0432127955